Refund Policy:

In order to request a refund, a written email should be sent to with a detailed explanation for the request. After the request has been received, our board will review it. If the request is approved, you will be contacted by our executive staff. If a refund is approved, there will be a $25.00 non-refundable administration fee.

Refunds will be considered for programs on the basis of the following:

  • Injury in which an athlete would miss a significant amount of time (more than 3 weeks of playing time)

  • A valid doctors note must be provided

Refunds will not be considered due to the following:

  • Weather cancellations

  • Unhappy with team assignment

  • Unhappy with the program

  • Unhappy with the coaching staff

  • Scheduling conflicts

  • Change of schedule

  • Practice schedule changes

  • Participant changes his/her mind

  • Parent changes his/her mind